Dear dudes,
Really? Daisy? the one on TV with the asshole lips? And that little asian fake lesbo with the flat face? that's the type of girl you're looking for? You're willing to sit through a conversation about astrology just so you can get your mouth around those stress balls she calls tits? The sex might be worth it, but just remember buddy, it's you she's gonna come to when she wants to vent about the "bitch" she works with at the MAC counter that's "jealous" of her (not true) I honestly don't believe you want that, not possible. I gag at just the mere thought of what one of those would smell like (cigarettes, foundation, CVS brand vanilla-scented lotion) shudddddderrr!!!
Come on guy, it's time to put away childish things. Give one of these a try;
How about a girl that won't ruin your pillowcases?, someone that can give a deadleg just as well as she can take one. A girl that'll beat you at Street Fighter and make it all better afterwards by taking you out for a burrito and a fuck (you baby)
So many good times, wait until she meets your pussy guy friends for the first time. How jealous and/or in love will they be after she calls them pussies to their faces?
ps: please tell me you know where i can find one of these girls.
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