Do you ever see a totally rad older dude on the street and think “Dayum, THAT is what my husband/slampiece is gonna look like when I’m an old lady, CHRIST!!!!” For me, these dudes are usually of the old biker variety. Bushy grey beards, leather vests, blurry tattoos and shit-eating grins like, ‘Yo girl I may be old but I could still totally bone the shit outta you.” Keep on keepin’ on, old man cuz yr fucking right.
Biker babes, here’s to you!
Fuck that fixed gear nonsense. Get me off this slow-ped. I wanna man with a loud, serious gas-guzzling piece of shit between his legs. With gnarly beards that always smell like weed n’ meth, and oil stained finger nails on big meaty tattooed hands, ladies amirite? They prolly eat pussy like a motorcycle engine, thigh-brating all the way. WOOF in a good way. These dudes turn me into a cartoon dog with my eyes popping out and tongue rolling on the floor... Hummina, hummina, hummina! Is titty flashing still the universal biker mating call cuz my shirt is already off.
these girls fucking rule
that aint a biker babe. lemme tell you:
also, i have done scientific research on biker babe thighbrations, and my findings support your hypothesis.